As I am sure many of you are already aware M&S, the high street giant from the UK, are planning to open a store later this year. The local for this shop has yet to be announced however odds are that is will be located in one of the corners of the newer section of La Cañada Shopping Centre, Marbella.
With a huge array of all goods M&S are renowned in the Uk for their excellent range of clothing, household items, and of course excellent food halls. Whether their will be a food all has again yet to be announced.
Recently they were advertising for staff but they seemed to have a strange vetting system in place whereby you needed to do a type of aptitude test online and depending on what they thought of your results you would get an interview.......... which is odd but true.
Anyway, that aside I am sure like many of the Costa del Sol we are all looking forward to a slightly bigger selection of quality goods in la Cañada, without the Gib journey.